2:10 PM

I clearly know what's the difference of WANTS and NEEDS. 

Figured I'd share what i would like to have this year. I know the list is probably and as ALWAYS, unattainable, but it doesn't hurt to put it out in the world! I wanted to make a wishlist or something for what i want (Scratch that! I mean NEED.) on my birthday. 

I posted JOHN GREEN BOOKS here cos I've always wanted to have the collection, Well I actually have it now on ebooks, but it feels so much better the have the book itself.
I've been drooling over ..... Also
Why we broke up - Daniel Handler
Life you've always wanted - John Ortberg 

MORE BOOKS. I mean books have enteirely been my escape and I would love to have more times to escape into completely different and interesting and wonderful world.

This CHINLE BAGPACK FROM  +Forever 21 . It's so lovely!!


This lovely Rap Mesh Rusche Skater Dress from +Topshop 

Lace up Platform Booties from +Forever 21 

 FujiFilm Instax Mini 7S with filmssssssssss

They're comforting and nice and awesome. I've been through a lot lately, and i think this is what i NEED most. I like hugs. They're better than handshakes of kisses etc. etc..

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  1. love your blog <3 hope you can check out and follow my new blog http://herderigueur.blogspot.com/ thank you :) HAHA just kidding... but seriously visit my blog ;) miss you!

  2. Hi Ms. Bea Mauban! Hahaha lol. I'm checking out your blog now!! Miss you too!!! <3


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